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Optimised Super Guarantee Charge (SGC) Calculator

$385.00 Inc GST

Reduce the Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) obligations for taxpayers who have paid at least 2 quarters of superannuation late for at least one employee

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Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) Optimised Calculator

This Calculator can be used to substantially reduce the Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) obligations
for taxpayers who have paid at least 2 quarters of superannuation late for at least one employee.

The Calculator applies payments of superannuation to the current and future SG obligations
(up to 12 months in advance), before being treated as a late payment of any prior period SG obligations.
These calculations identify the SG obligation and assign the relevant payment based on this approach.
It also estimates the nominal interest component and administration component
of the calculation of the SGC. It assumes that all amounts are Ordinary Time Earnings (OTE).
Adjustments may be required for non-OTE amounts, which may also need to be included in the calculation of SGC
to be lodged with the ATO.

This Calculator is current as at 11 December 2024.


  • The calculation of the nominal interest is calculated from the first date of the quarter,
    to the quarterly due date or the date the quarterly SGC statement is received by the ATO
    (whichever occurs later), as required by s31 SGCAA92 and reg 13.
    There may be differences in the amount calculated in this worksheet and the ATO SGC Statement.
    Any differences are expected to be immaterial.
  • A SGC statement will need to be completed separately from the completion of this Calculator,
    based on the form provided by the ATO. SGC statements must be completed for every quarter
    that the employer needs to report on.
  • This worksheet does not apply to Choice Liability calculations.
  • This worksheet does not include the calculation of any Part 7 200% SGC statement penalty.
  • This worksheet does not determine the SG shortfall (i.e., the amount of SG that is payable).
  • This worksheet does not determine superannuation eligibility for an individual or consider any
    maximum or excess contributions limitations.
  • Separate rules may apply for contributions to defined benefit superannuation schemes.
    This calculation does not take into account any adjustments.

Information and Systems

Super guarantee data will need to be included in excel format, in particular:

- Date salary was paid

- The amount of super payable (OTE, cannot be negative)

- Employee identifier (name, or TFN or some other identification. This must be consistent)

- The date the super is treated as paid (as per the tax law requirements for when the superannuation is deemed to be paid)

Please also refer to the Inputs tab for additional information

A minimum of 3 quarters of data should be provided. All SG for an employee starting from the start of the quarter in which the SG was paid late, until the end of the quarter in which the SG for that employee has been satisifed on time. eg, if March 23, and June 23 quarter SG obligations were both paid 2 days late, but Sept 23 was paid on time then the SG data for salaries paid 1 January 2023 to 30 September should be included (including showing the date the Sept quarter SG obligation was paid)

The Calculator includes the following limitations:

- Maximum of 50 employees

- Maximum of 18 Quarters

- Maximum of 500 SG amounts

These maximums can be increased. Please email admin@2pr.com.au

An example is included to assist users.

This Calculator was prepared using Excel for Microsoft 365. Users should use Excel version 2007 or later. Use with Excel 97-2003 or earlier may experience limitations.

2PR Case Study

I used this for a client who had paid 9 of their employees' superannuation obligations consistently late between
1 July 2020 and 30 September 2022. The client had approximately $126K of Superannuation Payments
over the period which had been paid to the Superfund, but were paid between 5 days and 3 months late, with one quarter
being paid on time, and then being up to date from the September 2022 quarter. The late payment of superannuation was
identified as part of an ATO review, and the SGC Statement was lodged in late 2024.

The outcomes of using the Optimised SGC Calculator are set out below:

Option Option 1: Late Payment Offset Option 2: Using the Optimised SGC Calculator Benefit Notes
SG Liability $126K $126K
SG Paid on Time ($24K) ($24K)
Additional SG Treated as Paid on Time 0 ($58K) $58K
SG Shortfall $102K $44K $58K This amount is not deductible and treated as Late Payment Offset
Nominal Interest $34K $15K $19K This amount is non-deductible and payable to the ATO upon lodgement of the SGC Statement


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